Write code, don't die

Document by Maks Loboda

Must read

Godot style guide TLDR

  • Use code order specified in documentation (at the bottom of the page there a script template to help you with that)

  • Class should be in PascalCase

  • Files should be in snake_case (convert class name to snake_case for scripts)

  • Variables and function names are in snake_case

  • Use single underscore before the name to denote virtual methods, private methods and private variables

  • Use past tense in signal names, don’t add on_ unless absolutely necessary

    signal door_opened
    signal score_changed
  • Constants are in CONSTANT_CASE, and enum members too.

  • Dont make long lines of code, generally they should not be longer then 80 chars

  • When separating a long expression into multiple lines, extra lines should be indented twice

  • Leave two lines before functions and class definitions

  • Use and instead of && , or instead of ||

  • Comments should start with a space, disabled code should be ctrl+k

  • Use spaces to make code more readable


    position.x = 5
    position.y = mpos.y + 10
    dict["key"] = 5
    my_array = [4, 5, 6]


    position.y = mpos.y+10
    dict ["key"] = 5
    myarray = [4,5,6]
    print ("foo")

    If you do this you die instantly:

    x        = 100
    y        = 100
    velocity = 500
  • You can use " or ' to avoid escaping quotes, beacuse print("hello 'world'") is ok.

  • Use explicit zeros on floats Good:

    var float_number = 0.234
    var other_float_number = 13.0


    var float_number = .234
    var other_float_number = 13.
  • GDscript has decimal, hex and binary leterals and all of them have separators:

    var large_number = 1_234_567_890
    var large_hex_number = 0xffff_f8f8_0000
    var large_bin_number = 0b1101_0010_1010
    # Numbers lower than 1000000 generally don't need separators.
    var small_number = 12345

Best practices TLDR:

Best practices full document

  • Nodes should really know only about nodes directly below them, to talk to nodes higher or on the same level use:
    • Signals
    • Make the node call a funcref that other node sets
    • Make the node manipulate a node reference that other node sets. Make sure that no reference loops occur (aka two or more nodes reference each other in a loop and none of them can ever be freed), use weakref to break such loops
    • Make the node manipulate a NodePath that other node sets. (Personally i found NodePath’s to be a bit flaky, but its the only way to export node references in editor)
    • When you want two nodes on the same level talk parent can help them make contact
  • Use general OOP principles:
  • Autoloads should be used sparingly (because then can trigger massive hard to find bugs)
  • (Its not actually said here but) DONT use preload or load, export PackedScene or [aplicable resource type here] instead, because if you want to move or rename some file, export will update but preaload and load will instead explode.
  • Dictionary is a HashMap, Array is a Vector, use type specialized array when speed is key.
  • Object is secretly a dictionary too.
  • Whatever your project structure is use snake_case for files and folders, otherwise on some platforms shit will explode on export and everyone is gonna have a bad time 💀.
  • Always close the editor before running git pull! Otherwise, you may lose data if you synchronize files while the editor is open.

Notes from experience

  • get_parent is evil, prefer using signals
  • Don’t use hardcoded paths to nodes, all paths should be in a variable so its easier to change later.
  • When commenting code use ctrl+k it actually saves time.
  • Always use Godot static typing system
  • Always explicitly state types for variables (I died inside more then once from float_value := 1337)
  • Enums are epic
  • Use getters and setters when accessing data from a different script
  • No magic numbers (except 0, 1 and 2). Even it is not a good export varible it still probably has a good name.
  • Have at least minimal comments
  • Give your script a class_name and use it as a type in static typing.
  • Use _physics_process instead of _process.
  • Multiply stuff by delta time to tie it to realtime instead of frames, and don’t forget to check with lower and higher framerates.
  • Always test that all code paths actually work.
  • Make sure that your scripts are not bloated with functionality, use extra child nodes for handling extra features.
  • Every scene should have a folder for itself and for resources that it uses.
  • If a function can return an error, always check.
  • Prints are your friend, but always have a string telling where this noname float value is printed from. Also its very nice to have a way to disable them without commenting.
  • Enable saving logs to disk, sometimes it really helps to have output log from 5 launches ago.
  • Godot actually has bugs sometimes:
    • Sometimes delta time in _process and _physics_process is 0, check at the start of the function and return immediately if its the case, otherwise anything can happen.
    • With some of the scaling options UI elements can explode randomly when changing window sizes, if its the case just set_rect_position and set_rect_size everything where it belongs
    • Key bindings for Mac are scuffed, but i have the wizardry to make them work (i really should report it and make a pull request).
    • Debugger on some rare occasions fucking dies, in this case try using print while praying. I remember one time i got this i had a freed node as a key in a dictionary..
  • variable names should start with the general thing they refer to, then what they represent in that thing, then if its an attribute of thing they represent - the attribute. This is done to make autocompletion easier and to avoid remembering variable names by heart e.g. : jiggle_position_max
  • Don’t mix Controls and Node2D’s, Controls are made for UI. Some rare exceptions are ok, like having TextureRect instead of Sprite2D.
  • Your scripts should “compile” with no warnings, you may suppress manually these types of warnings (ping me to show cases where other types of warnings are useless):
    • return_value_discarded
  • Use pass only for defining empty functions
  • Your scene should be at (0, 0) with (1, 1) scale
  • Minimize amount of non (1, 1) scale and non (0, 0) position nodes
  • Use pixel snap for positions, some kind of rotation and scale snap is good too
  • Be careful with scale, updating it in code after setting it in editor can cause problems

Script template:

Copy this into your project and use as a starting point instead of the thing godot gives you by default. Don’t delete unused sections, uncomment needed pieces of code

#class_name what
extends what








#func _init():

#func _ready():





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Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, this is much needed!