Old versions archive

Textreme changed a lot through the years, some features were added, some changed, some removed.  So to make sure you don't miss out on the stuff people could download in the past we made the major past versions of the editor available for download!

- old UI with buttons
+ rhythm mode
x no settings
x clunky saves

- space saving UI with F# keys
+ rhythm mode
x no settings
x clunky saves

- space saving UI with F# keys
x no rhythm mode
+ has settings
+ has juiced up file browser, can save anywhere and in any format
+ optimized to consume less resources


TEXTREME Windows 2019 10 MB
Jun 13, 2019
Jun 13, 2019
TEXTREME Linux64 2019 12 MB
Jun 13, 2019
TEXTREME Linux32 2019 12 MB
Jun 13, 2019
Textreme_Windows.zip 2018 24 MB
Nov 01, 2018
Textreme_OSX.zip 2018 22 MB
Nov 01, 2018
Textreme_Linux64.zip 2018 29 MB
Nov 01, 2018
Textreme_linux32.zip 2018 32 MB
Nov 01, 2018


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hello I downloaded the 2021 version and it is very enjoyable however the screen turns greyish when I type and exclamation mark and I cannot see the text could you please fix this bug

(1 edit)

I see this is a year old, but I just downloaded the 2021 Windows version. I get the same thing on typing an exclamation point OR question mark: window greys out, comes back when I type anything else. No high hopes since it's been so long since work finished on this, and I also got Textreme 2. Enjoying what there is, anyway! Thank you!